Falling Behind

I have not done much garden maintenance over the past two weeks, just a half an hour weeding each Tuesday. I really need to get out there and weedwhack, as I am getting some tall grass along the paths of my soaker hoses.

The tomatoes have been reatively productive. I have had quite a few yellow pear tomaotes, though my Roma tomatoes are slower to produce. Next year, I will spread them out a litttle more so that they all have access to sunlight.

I am also watching some of my boards for my raised beds come apart. They are cedar, but rotting away. I willl have to replace some of them next year.

Overall, the big winners this year have been the yellow pear tomatoes, tomatillos and I am starting to get zucchini, squash and banana peppers.

Thank you for reading my post.

About rioranchogarden

Trying to garden on a 0.399 acre yard in the middle of a dry, dusty desert.
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