Winding Down

This year’s garden was quite disappointing. I am winding down the season, and disconnected my sprinkler controllers for the winter yesterday. I still have a few zucchini and squash plants trying their best, and two tomato plants giving up the last gasp. I have a few peppers that never grew, but are producing tiny banana peppers, and I still have cabbage.

I planted a window box in my office in Socorro. I have sprouts for radishes and spinach, so hopefully, I’ll start getting some plants there.

Next year, I’m going to do everything different. The raised beds that I bought from a kit are trash, they are all falling apart. Next year, I’m going to build my own, and maybe scale back the complexity a bit, so that I can hopefully take care of a few plants and get good yields.

Thank you for reading my post.

About rioranchogarden

Trying to garden on a 0.399 acre yard in the middle of a dry, dusty desert.
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