Water Issue and Some Weeding

I couldn’t figure out why my plants looked dry, and why the soil was dry as well. I switched to watering the main four beds twice a day, and the conditions barely improved. As it turns out, I have cascaded timers that were not quite synced. One pair was six minutes different, meaning if I watered for what I thought was ten minutes, it was really only four minutes. I resynced the time on all three and we’ll see how much it drifts. It may drift due to the batteries running down or something of the sort. I’ll try to keep track of it.

Other than that, I spent a bunch of time weeding in the garden. It looks like I lost all my cucumbers between the hail, the water, and the birds.

Thank you for reading my post.

About rioranchogarden

Trying to garden on a 0.399 acre yard in the middle of a dry, dusty desert.
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